Tekniske tegninger og dokumentasjon for plattformene på Valhall
Her finner du utvalgte tekniske tegninger og teknisk dokumentasjon for plattformene på Valhallfeltet.

Boreplattformen DP
- Drilling Modules & Substructure West Elevations
- General Arrangement Process Unit
- General Arrangement Process Unit 2
- HVAC Plantroom Layout (Diesel Layout)
- Layout for kjellerdekk (Cellar Deck) på DP
- Master Control Centre (LER) Mud Slurryfication Unit
- Master Equipment List DP
- Mud Module General Layout of Lower Deck
- Mud Module General Layout of Mezzanine Floor
- Mud Module General Layout of Roof
- Mud Modules Sections A-A, B-B & C-C
- Plot Plan East Elevation DP
- Plot Plan North Elevation DP
- Plot Plan West Elevation DP
Produksjonsplattformen PCP
- Arrangement – Adkomst plattform i nordfasade mellomdekk PSV-ventil
- Flare Boom Access Platform Extension General Arrangement and Details
- Jacket on Skirt Pile Sleeve
- Jacket-elevations on Rows 1 & 4
Boligplattformen QP
Stigerørsplattformen RP
- Jacket Static in Place Analysis Elevation on Line A
- North Elevation on Connection Bridge, Ekofisk Tank & RP
- Riser Platform East Elevation
- Riser Platform South Elevation
- Riser Platform West Elevation
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